Seven CIVITAS members awarded EU Mission Label for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities


Image by Ingrid Balabanova / Dreamstime

CIVITAS member cities - Klagenfurt, Madrid, Mannheim, Stockholm, Valencia, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Zaragoza - were awarded with EU Mission Label on 12 October 2023.

As highlighted in the European Commuission press release, the EU Mission Label 'is an acknowledgement of the successful development of Climate City Contracts, which outline the cities’ overall vision for climate neutrality, and contain an action plan as well as an investment strategy. Cities co-create their Climate City Contracts (CCC) with local stakeholders, including the private sector and citizens.' Receiving a EU Mission Label represents a significant milestone in the transition to climate neutrality for Mission Cities, but the work remains ahead; experimenting, innovating and exchanging knowledge are necessary elements in the ongoing process towards climate neutrality by 2030.

Congratulations to Klagenfurt, Madrid, Mannheim, Stockholm, Valencia, Vitoria-Gasteiz and Zaragoza! This label recognises the cities' plans to achieve climate-neutrality already by 2030 and aims to facilitate access to public and private funding towards that objective.

We are proud and happy to be one of the first cities to be awarded the Mission Label. This is both an incentive and an duty for us. The UPPER-Project is an important element that supports us in gaining knowledge for achieving our goals on the way to climate neutrality - especially in the area of public transport” -  Tim Neugebauer UPPER project leader at the City of Mannheim.

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